Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Whore of Babylon, The Anti-Christ & Ivanka Trump

Click to enlarge
I wrote about the creepy links that exist between Trump and the anti-christ (per the book of Revelation) in one of my earliest posts. That particular entry, incidentally, has been read and shared by viewers 90x more than all of LR's other blog posts combined. I'm glad this topic is of interest to so many because I've got more addendums to tack onto the original article. (Note: before reading further, I suggest re/reading that piece first.)

All caught up? Then let's begin...

It was recently announced to the press that, despite anti-nepotism laws, Ivanka and her husband Jared will both be taking on important positions in the White House. As of this writing, the public has still not been told what their exact roles will be, but we do know both husband and wife will be working in the West Wing. Because of this eventuality, it is important to take a closer look at precisely who these people are. Let's start with a skeletal timeline of their relationship.

  • 2005: Ivanka and Jared are introduced by friends. According to Ivanka, the duo begins dating almost immediately.
  • 2006: Jared purchases 666 Fifth Ave. for $1.8 billion—the largest sum of money ever paid for a building in Manhattan at that time.
  • 2007 or 2008: Jared breaks up with Ivanka because she isn't Jewish. (There are conflicting media reports regarding the year this happened; some say 2007, others 2008.)
  • 2008: Wendy Deng, then wife of Rupert Murdock and current girlfriend of Vladmir Putin, invites the former couple for a weekend on the Murdock yacht. Deng doesn't tell Jared that Ivanka will be there and vice-versa.
  • 2008: Whatever happened on the Murdock yacht resulted in Ivanka's decision to convert to Reform Orthodox Judaism and, of course, her subsequent engagement to Jared Kushner. Converting to Judaism is as rigorous a process as converting to Catholicism, but she managed to do so rather quickly and took the Hebrew name Yael before year's end.
  • 2009: Ivanka and Jared marry.
  • 2011: Arabella Rose Kushner is born.
  • 2013: Joseph Frederick Kushner (JFK) is born; his middle name is an homage to Ivanka's paternal grandfather, Fred Christ Trump.
  • 2016: Theodore James Kushner is born.

Friends and acquaintances of the couple describe Ivanka as the outgoing, socially polished one and Jared as the quiet, reserved, calculating one. Of Jared, one of his closest friends compared him to a "chameleon" and noted that, while young in age, Kushner's soul is old.

    The Whore of Babylon

    There exists little to no consensus on much of anything from those who've made it their life's work studying—and hoping to decode—the final book of the Bible. Amongst believers, Christian adherents range from those who view the Book of Revelation as a metaphor, to those that say it's downright fiction, to those who maintain it is the literal, prophesized truth of events to come. The latter group, mostly comprised of Evangelicals, believe Revelation is the literal truth yet inconsistently attempt to decode it using metaphors.

    Let's go for a literal translation. Doing so requires not only knowledge of the Bible, but an understanding of history—especially as it relates to the etymology of words. It also requires being able to place oneself in the proverbial shoes of the man who wrote it, John. 

    There is no consensus on which John wrote Revelation. I won't divert from the subject at hand to get into the various theories, but whoever John was is less important for purposes of interpretation than where and when he lived. The answer to where, again without overloading you with too much information, is likely the Mediterranean (Greece, Greek Isles, Turkey, or Italy). The answer to when is the 1st century. In other words, we must endeavor to interpret the dreams and visions of a man who lived in the Mediterranean during the 1st century. 

    No prophetic scholar disputes that the Whore of Babylon and the Anti-Christ are deeply connected. The arguments arise from the questions of (a) how they are connected and (b) whether the Whore of Babylon is a person or a place. I would argue that if you believe the events in Revelation will occur in the literal sense then it stands to reason all interpretations of the book should also be derived from the literal.

    Jesus Christ was born to a virgin mother. The Anti-Christ is the antithesis of everything Jesus is and represents. The logical Evangelical conclusion should therefore be that the Whore of Babylon is literally the mother of the Anti-Christ.
    Revelation 17:4: And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls...
    A 1st century man who dreamt of a woman wearing purple and scarlet would associate those colors with vast wealth. That assertion is further emphasized by describing her as adorned with gold and jewels. In other words, she is a woman of great financial means. Likewise, pearls would have been indicative of wealth back then. And according to Ivanka, "Pearl earrings were a gift from my husband when my son Joseph was born."
    Revelation 17:4 (cont): ...having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.
    This is where etymology comes in handy. In the Christian Bible, the word whore carries no sexual connotation with it. Rather, a whore is a person who commits fornication. The word fornication, unless explicitly stated otherwise, does not carry a sexual meaning in the Christian Bible either. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, fornication is used to describe the act of committing adultery against God by renouncing Him for other god/s.

    If the Whore of Babylon is the mother of the Anti-Christ then she has to be a woman who committed adultery against the true Christ by renouncing Him as her God. In other words, she would have to have converted from Christianity to another religion.

    Where Is Babylon?

    To a 1st century man, Babylon would have represented a major city of commerce where many languages are spoken (The Tower of Babel). Furthermore...
    Revelation 17:1: I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters.
    If taken literally, Babylon would have to be on an island. The metaphorical aspects of what the waters represent is also described by John:
    Revelation 17:15: And he saith unto me, the waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
    A city of commerce that sits on an island rife with people who herald from a multitude of nations and speak many different languages...

    Does any city in the modern world meet all of that criteria as demonstrably as New York City? From Wall Street's New York Stock Exchange to the headquarters of the UN (United Nations) overlooking the East River, it is reasonable to argue no.

    More Weirdness

    I happened to capture the screenshot at right of the Kushners current apartment in Manhattan during a news segment that covered Ivanka and Jared's search for a home in Washington D.C. What's with the bizarre cross in the living room of 2 Orthodox Jews? Worse, the cross appears to be inverted or tilted.

    It gets weirder.

    In October 2010, Ivanka and Jared appeared together on the TV show Gossip Girl as themselves. It was the first and last time the Kushners made a guest appearance on a show together. The title of the episode? The Whore of Babylon.

    Bottom Line

    666 Fifth Avenue. Frederick Christ Trump. Vast wealth. Renouncing Jesus. The Whore of Babylon. An eyebrow-raising piece of "art" in the living room of the current Trump-Kushner apartment in Manhattan...

    If you don't believe the book of Revelation contains the literal truth of events leading up to the end of days then this article is a groan-and-face-palm moment for you. For Evangelicals who do believe in the prophesies of Revelation, however, it would be exceedingly remiss not to consider what is so blatantly right there in plain sight.


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    The Anti-Christ & Trump: All Our Research (In Chronological Order)

    Friday, December 30, 2016

    Hard-right Israeli Politician: Trump Is Messiah

    Another day, another WTF moment...

    Arye Deri
    According to The Jerusalem Post, Arye Deri—Israel's Shas Chairman and Interior Minister—was quoted as saying, “If such a miracle like this can happen we have already reached the days of the Messiah, therefore we are really in the era of the birth pangs of the Messiah."

    The "miracle" Deri was referring to was the election of Trump, a simian primate who will not stand in the way of Israel's continual annexation of Palestine. Although a direct violation of international law and the Geneva Convention, Israel's hardline conservative government has spent the last 40 years building Jewish-only settlements on Palestinian land.

    The illegal occupation and annexation of Palestine continues to sharply divide Israel; roughly half of Israelis are pro-annexation while half believe it is past time for Israel to comply with the 1967 agreement and withdraw. In the pro-annexation camp, most supporters do not believe Palestinians should be given equal rights as citizens, which would usher in a US sanctioned apartheid—if not the outright genocide of Palestinians—in a one-nation Israel.

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    The Anti-Christ & Trump: All Our Research (In Chronological Order)

    Surviving The Trumpocalypse

    We will continue to update several times over the next couple of weeks!


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    Wednesday, December 28, 2016

    Republicans, Blasphemy & The Anti-Christ: This Is Getting Weird

    On Christmas Day, Reince Priebus released a statement to the media that is, to a Christian, downright blasphemous:

    Try as the Republican party has to spin the RNC's press release, the highlighted sentence above is impossible to take out of context. In other words, according to the GOP, Jesus Christ was the old King and Donald Trump (or a member of his family?) is the new King.

    What. The. HELL?

    All I can say is this: get right with Jesus/God because these troubling signs are getting increasingly difficult to brush aside. I've got a lot more info to post over the next few days and, quite frankly, none of it is making me feel particularly hopeful about the days ahead.


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    The Anti-Christ & Trump: All Our Research (In Chronological Order)

    Tuesday, December 27, 2016

    Kellyanne & George Conway: Pure Evil

    Kellyanne Fitzpatrick Conway (very appropriate last name) is likely a new—albeit haggard—face on the national scene for those who don't pay attention to politics, but she's been a part of the extremist rightwing D.C. establishment for decades. Behind the dead eyes and nauseatingly fake smile exists an insidious creature who has been directly involved in and/or an ally to several of the capital's sickest sins against democracy. 

    Kellyanne's husband, George Conway III, is an equally repulsive man and serves as literal proof that twisted birds of a feather do indeed flock together. The following list is only the tip of the iceberg, but will hopefully shed light on the most important things you need to know about America's newest white-power couple.

    Meet the Conways

    1. KA Conway and fugly alt-right Breitbart head Steve Bannon were recently outed by the Southern Poverty Law Center's Hatewatch as members of the ultra-secretive group CNP (Council for National Policy). According to the SPLC:
    "The CNP is an intensely secretive and shadowy group of what The New York Times once described as “the most powerful conservatives in the country.” It is so tight-lipped that it tells people not to admit their membership or even name the group. Revealing when or where the group meets, or what it discusses, is also forbidden. The organization, which can only be joined by invitation and at a cost of thousands of dollars, strives mightily to keep its membership rolls secret."
    Kim Davis and Mat Staver (center); 2015.
    On the surface, there is nothing noteworthy in and of itself about the clandestine CNP. Once you delve deeper and look at the CNP's many extremist members, however, the picture grows more troubling. Here are four of a plethora of such members:
    • Mat Staver: leader of Liberty Counsel, a hate group whose goal is to re-criminalize gay sex. Also a lawyer, Staver's clients include Kim Davis, the Rowan County KY clerk who infamously refused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples after SCOTUS' landmark ruling. Staver compared Davis' alleged plight to that of Jews in Nazi Germany.
    • Michael Peroutka: board member of League of the South, a white supremacist organization.
    • Jerome Corsi: an Obama "birther" hardliner; also a frequent propagandist for the radical right.
    • Philip Zodhaites: an influential religious right donor; convicted in September 2016 for kidnapping a child from her lesbian mother and smuggling her to Nicaragua. Zodhaites' defense lawyer and suspected co-conspirator was none other than Mat Staver.
    The Southern Poverty Law Center cautions Americans to take note of the sorts of people Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon break bread with because, in the SPLC's words,
    "It provides an important venue in which relatively mainstream conservatives meet and very possibly are influenced by real extremists, people who regularly defame LGBT people with utter falsehoods, describe Latino immigrants as a dangerous group of rapists and disease-carriers, engage in the kind of wild-eyed conspiracy theorizing for which the John Birch Society is famous, and even suggest that certain people should be stoned to death in line with Old Testament law.”
    Kellyanne & George Conway III
    2. The 2016 election wasn't the first time a Conway pursued a Clinton like a rabid animal. Kellyanne's husband George, a real "gem" of a low-moral lawyer, has represented mega-corps like Phillip Morris against cancer patients and news reports. A colleague and friend who defended the tobacco giant alongside him was Kenneth Starr, the special prosecutor Conway would go on to conspire with against President Bill Clinton. 

    It was Conway and Starr who served as Paula Jones' lawyers, pulling the sexual harassment case seemingly out of thin air. The Jones lawsuit was filed one day before the statute of limitations would have ran out, given the date the alleged incident occurred. Propaganda surrounding the case was continuously leaked to Matt Drudge of The Drudge Report. George Conway denied being the leak, but given Keith Olbermann's report on Kellyanne's conspiratorial effort against Bill Clinton, the denial is questionable at best.

    click to enlarge
    3. Apparently marriages that hate together stay together because both of the Conways have pressed for legislation that negatively and selectively impacts African-Americans and the poor. Among a multitude of other appalling grievances against humanity, KAC helped Newt Gingrich draft a particularly brutal piece of anti-welfare legislation. Republican Paul Ryan, the current Speaker of the House, plans to make the law that resulted from the Conway-Gingrich effort disgustingly worse.

    Not to be outdone by his wife, George—a member of the ultra conservative Federalist Society—is a staunch advocate of denying former felons the right to vote. His argument justifying the continualization and expansion of the discriminatory practice amounts to a whole lot of rhetoric. At the end of the day, not allowing former inmates to vote is a gross miscarriage of justice which ultimately impacts minority and poor communities at a disproportionate rate.


    I've highlighted only three out of a veritable Pandora's Box of grave concerns to be cognizant of and watchful over. That the fanatical rightwing virus the Conways infect others with is about to nest itself in the West Wing of The White House should be equally—if not more—disturbing to all of us than the arrival of Donald Trump himself.

    Remain vigilant. Don't give in so much as an inch. The most vulnerable Americans amongst us are counting on watchdogs to be strong and resist. Elected Democrats have made it clear they are a bunch of simpering, hand-wringing pussies. In other words, no help is coming. We ARE our only champions.


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    War on the Poor


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    Monday, December 19, 2016

    The Resistance Has Only Begun

    While it is difficult in this specific moment to see the forest from the trees, we must. Despair isn't an option. Settling for subhuman status isn't on the menu. If you can't pull yourself together for you then take your strength from the enduring love you have for your children/parents/spouses/etc. In other words, wo/man up. Cry if you must—rage if you must—but be quick about it. Time is not on our side.

    Fight. Resist. Refuse nothing less than total victory. We cannot let it come to power...



    Episode #11: Join The Resistance

    Wednesday, December 14, 2016

    Episode #10: The Common Ground of White Nationalists and Minorities

    Tuesday, December 13, 2016

    When TIME magazine sees it...

    When even TIME sees the need to keep Trump from the presidency, shit has officially gotten real. I admit I'm not a fan of the conservative-leaning magazine, but I suppose that's also why its plea (or command?) to the Electoral College snagged my attention.

    Republicans: when TIME magazine thinks its beloved and highly overrated GOP is traitorous, you got problems. Consider remedying them.

    Episode #9: The Electoral College, Russia, & Republican Treason

    Monday, December 12, 2016

    Nazi Spotting: Twitter & The Frog

    Twitter is the easiest of the various social media platforms to identify white supremacists on. Just look for the frog:

    Richard Spencer; founder of alt-right (a.k.a. Nazi) white nationalist movement

    And another "winner" of a white boy...

    David Duke of the KKK; pro-Putin Nazi


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    Sunday, December 11, 2016

    Episode #8: #Pizzagate - Putin - and the US Military

    Putin, Trump, and the US Military: Can Americans Trust ANYONE?

    A mural in Vilnius, Lithuania. Photo credit: The New Yorker
    I've been watching the words and deeds of vets and active military personnel pretty closely over the last 16 months... and every day my view of them as a collective whole grows warier. I don't want to distrust the people who are supposed to be fighting for our freedom, but the loudest ones are making it difficult not to. 

    After news broke yesterday of the CIA's confirmation that Russia interfered in the 2016 election with the intention of getting Trump elected, a thinking person would believe such a massive revelation would give the military pause. It hasn't. If anything, they have dug their cyber heels in deeper, going so far as to voice pro-Russia sentiments. This leaves me no choice but to ask, just who the fuck's side is the US military on anymore? If it's the American people's, I sure can't tell.

    The level of misguided hostility toward Hillary Clinton coupled with a nonsensical devotion toward Trump is brain-ache worthy. Just what kind of "training" goes on in bootcamps these days? I don't know that we'll ever have that mystery solved. What I do know is there are two arenas which, once explored, fuel more questions than they provide answers: the three retired generals Trump may or may not appoint to his cabinet and the massive cognitive dissonance between what many vets/military say is important versus how they voted. First, lets look at the basic ticking points on those three retired generals.

    Lt. General Michael Flynn

    General David Petraeus

      General James "Mad Dog" Mattis
      • His nickname = enough said
      • Known for such "gems" as, “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet,” and "If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all"
      • Requires a congressional waiver to become Secretary of Defense; has only been retired 3 of the required 7 years per The National Security Act of 1947
      • Will face opposition from retired military who serve in congress

      None of the three generals come without massive amounts of baggage. Petraeus, frighteningly enough, is the least scary of the unholy trio. Give him some head and he'll give you classified info—yet still he's preferable to General Frick and General Frack. Which brings me to point #2...

      If the military is sooooo outraged by Hillary Clinton's email server because potential classified documents could have "compromised soldiers" (they didn't) then why the hell are they okay with General Happy Pants being in a position of massive power? The truth is this: not a single one of them can articulate a reasonable argument that explains the cognitive dissonance on display here. They throw shade, sputter, and shout "commie" at you for asking, but that's as persuasive as their (cough) arguments get.

      Again, I ask, whose side are soldiers on?

      Before the 2016 election, there were certain absolutes within the ethos of military culture we could count on. If for no other reason than not giving a soldier with a different background/race/etc from your own a reason to not have your back when you most need it, the absolutes were few but sacred.

      Always show the utmost respect to Gold Star families. 

      Before the Trump Virus infected US politics, that golden rule was one only the dumbest of soldiers would dare break. Since we never heard stories about the Gold Star Family rule being tossed aside pre-Trump, we can probably safely assume any scant incidents of it were quickly stamped out by fellow soldiers or their superiors. Fast forward to the post-Trump world we now live in and it's as if that ethos never existed at all. I cannot count how many insults against Mr. and Mrs. Khan—especially against the former—I have personally seen with my own two eyes since the grieving father delivered his now historic speech at the Democratic National Convention:

      Rather than defend the Khans when Trump attacked them, I watched members of the military defame and mock grieving parents. I saw posts from self-proclaimed soldiers in which they shamefully disseminated falsehoods about the Khans' faith, claiming they were supporters of Sharia Law when the opposite is true. Again I ask, whose side is the military on?

      POWs Are Off-Limits

      Before Trump, you would be hard-pressed to find any American, much less a veteran or active duty soldier, who would cast a vote for a presidential candidate that mocked John McCain's status as a former POW. You would also have difficulty finding a candidate who could make it to the primaries much less survive them after spouting such an insult, but that's another story.

      This election has brought about many firsts, none of which have been good. We have gone from being a people with normal relational issues amongst ourselves—for the most part—to a people firmly and perhaps irrevocably divided. Trump did that... and many vocal members of the military both past and present helped him bring us to this place.

      Active military personnel are supposed to be publicly apolitical, but I saw little evidence of that during this election. Perhaps the worst, most vile spewers of online hatred have been the nasty ass, racist, venomous wives of these men. It's difficult to argue a soldier is apolitical when his own spouse is filling up Twitter with repugnant hatred, pro-Trump propaganda, and little else. More than a handful of these women also sport the frog logo on their Twitter bios; frogs might have been associated with Navy Seals in the past, but on Twitter today they represent the alt-right, Neo-Nazi, white nationalist movement.

      And so I ask all members of the military for the last time, whose side are you on? You might want to figure that out before the black/Muslim/Hispanic wife of a soldier of color you depend on to have your back gets word that it's reasonable to assume you don't have his.

      Friday, December 9, 2016

      Sofia Vergara Being Sued By Her Embryos (Face Palm)

      If for some unfathomable reason you still need more proof that the crazies have been emboldened by Trump's electoral college presidency to be, well, look no further. 

      Actress Sofia Vergara is being sued by her frozen embryos for denying them the right to life. She's no longer with her former partner and hasn't been for 2+ years, but hey, what has logic and personal choice ever had to do with rightwing thinking? (Rhetorical question.)

      Although Ms. Vergara's frozen embryos have been cryopreserved in California, her ex is suing from Louisiana where frozen embryos hold equal rights to actual people.

      A word of warning to any (read: all) men who masturbate: it's just a matter of time before choking the chicken becomes a questionable legal right. After all, you kill tens of thousands of potential offspring every single time you rub one out. You brutal serial killers need to think about THAT the next time you watch the make-sexy-time channel. Your hand belongs to the state.

      Thursday, December 8, 2016

      Episode #7: Conservative White Men Are The New Special Snowflakes

      Tuesday, December 6, 2016

      The Hypocrisy of Angry White Men

      Attention Angry White Men: You lost the non-hypocritical ability to make fun of any woman's "safe space" the moment you decided to turn the USA into one YUGE therapy blanket. Feeling triggered by the little old hijab-wearing lady down the street? Does the Special Snowflake have a mental boo-boo? Awww. I'd say to find a liberal who cares, but yeah... we don't. Our bleeding hearts have turned to ice where Republicons are concerned.

      Monday, December 5, 2016

      Pot, Meet Kettle: Angry White Man, Meet Special Snowflake

      CAWMs (Conservative, Angry White Men) have spent the last few years of their online lives cyber-harassing women and minorities for suffering from what they like to call Special Snowflake Syndrome. While some of their original grumblings about over-the-top PC culture were arguably justified (social justice warriors are hypocritical bitches!), their collective resentment slowly extended over time to CAWMs hating on everyone who dared to speak truth to real injustice.

      I'll be honest: a hardcore lib I may very well be, but when this fallout first started even I had reached the point of being irritated by (a) everyone claiming a minority status even if they were not minorities and (b) said minority-wannabes constantly trying to out-victim each other. Add into that face-palm-fest the hyper-vigilance of social justice warriors who were waiting in the wings to viciously attack any hapless person who mistakenly referred to a disenfranchised group member by the wrong politically correct term du jour, and... BAM. Shit got real.

      So, yes, in the beginning I was an admitted CAWM-sympathizer. I was sick and tired of white men not being allowed to share their opinions online without SJWs snarkily dismissing their contributions as man'splaining and/or white'splaining. I stood up for these guys, much to the chagrin of many, and took heat for doing so. To real feminists, though, and not the online psychos that appropriated the term and its meaning, the exchange of ideas and viewpoints is a good thing. Listening to the experiences of others—especially members of one's out-group—helps all of us toward better understanding of and communication with each other. Unfortunately, the sympathy I was experiencing for conservative, angry, white men was to be short-lived. 

      Similar to how authentic liberal feminists were outshouted by fanatical fringers calling themselves liberals, what I now recognize to be the alt-right (a.k.a. white nationalists) began outshouting authentic conservative men. In both cases, the extremes tended to be viewed by the opposition as the majority instead of as the political leeches they were and are. The problem being, I didn't—and still don't—see conservative white men (minus an exception of literally ONE) distancing themselves from their parasites. 

      Before long, everybody was a special snowflake... at least according to the alt-right who were the only conservative men speaking up. Amidst conservative silence, they took their fanaticism against minorities to intolerable extremes. Worse, because genuine conservative men weren't calling bullshit, the alt-right disease continues to spread as insidiously as a computer virus. I never thought I'd see the day where seemingly nice white people always—without exception—explained away the executions of black men and youth by police. I never thought I'd see the day where seemingly patriotic white Americans embraced Russia and Putin as some sort of sick savior. I definitely never thought I'd see the day where fundamentalist white Christians who have been taught all their lives to protect the Jewish people would start the Jew-blaming rhetoric racists embrace.

      The most nauseating example of this normalization of prejudice within the conservative party is the wholeheartedness with which they have embraced the continual demonization of George Soros. Seeing that bigotry expressed in hate-media every day has taken its toll on me. It has radicalized me. It has made me a less tolerant person overall. It has pushed many liberals and minorities further away from a white America that now disgusts us. George Soros, you see, is more than Hillary Clinton's friend and ally; Mr. Soros is also a beloved philanthropist, an elderly man, and a Holocaust survivor. For the last reason alone, NOBODY has the right to impugn his character. He is old, he has suffered much, and he is off limits.

      Conservative angry white men are so busy living up to the angry part that they have become the very thing they hate most: special snowflakes. And make no mistake about it: they are the social justice warriors of special snowflakiness, the imaginary victims who demand to be heard.

      "This is my country!"

      No more than it is mine.

      "Everything's rigged against white people!"

      Yeah. I'm sure it's tough to make more money for equal work and not get executed by police at traffic stops. Let me fire up my violin to set the appropriate mood for your whiny ass... 

      "Why can't I use the word nigger if black people do?!" 

      Nigga is not nigger. And you still can't use it without a pass. *face palm*

      "Go back to your country!" 

      We're in it. Whether our ancestors were dragged here in chains or came in search of a better life, this country belongs to all of the colors of people within it. Don't like it? Too bad. Go to a seance and take it up with your dead grandpappy eight times removed.

      Dear CAWMs, you are no longer distinguishable from the monster you chase. Wake up and take your politics back before it's too late.

      Donald Trump & The Antichrist

      Sunday, December 4, 2016

      Episode #6: The Cult of Trump - In Depth Analysis of Trump & His Disciples

      Saturday, December 3, 2016

      Episode #5: The Cult of Trump

      Petition To Give Liberals Our Own Republic

      You can sign the petition at Because we are brand new and hardly anybody knows about us, we will be leaving this petition up for as long as it takes to get the needed signatures.


      Thursday, December 1, 2016

      Trump News a.k.a. The Face Palm Chronicles

      Carrot Top
      The Orange Menace pulls so much stupid shit on a daily basis that we can't possibly write individual posts about each incident. Here's yesterday's recap:

      Climate Bizarre-Czar

      Politico has reported that Ivanka Trump, also known as Daddy's Girl To the Point of Making Eyebrows Raise, is tapped to become the nation's next Climate Czar. Apparently under the delusion that detractors of Trumpel Thinskin will forget about his racism, misogyny, pathological lying, and Xenophobia as long as the planet is in better shape to be oppressed in, her role is to bridge the gaping divide between her father and the liberals who despise him. (Good luck with that.) According to the magazine, Ivanka "is now poised to be the first 'first daughter' in modern history to play a larger public role than the first lady."

      Shocking. Really.

      General Happy Pants
      You Can't Use A Legal Email Server If You're A Woman, But Trading Classified Info For Sex Is "Really Great" If You Have A Penis

      The Orange Imperial Wizard is considering disgraced former General David Petraeus for Secretary of State. Petraeus, in case you don't remember, was sentenced last year to two years probation and a fine of $100,000 for divulging classified information to his lover (and biographer) Paula Broadwell. 

      [Insert long-suffering sigh]

      And Hillary Clinton did what wrong again? Hashtag DoubleStandardMuch?

      At Least There's Some Good News

      The anti-Trump coalition effort to go after the Electoral College is gaining momentum. If just 37 Republican electors refuse to cast their vote for Trump, it would be enough to force him below the 270 threshold needed to win the EC. Should they not vote for Clinton, the case would be remanded to the House of Representatives, thereby forcing congressional members to publicly dis/avow Trump. If the House votes in favor of Trump, I'm told a lawsuit will be filed that would go before the Supreme Court of the United States. The court, currently divided, has four liberal and four conservative justices. In the event of a tie, it is uncertain what precisely would happen. But I'm getting ahead of myself...

      According to Politico, there is only one solid Republican commitment thus far, but David Pakman reported days before this article came out that his inside source has tallied the count of Hamilton Electors (legally termed "faithless electors") to 15 out of the needed 37. 

      Not a bad start, but we still have a long way to go. Whether or not anything comes of this last ditch effort remains to be seen, but until the Electoral College meets on December 19th... all hope is not lost.