Friday, February 10, 2017

"President" 45 Has History Of Comparing Himself To God

It's too bad Republicans didn't take Scotland's heed and refuse to let 45 (I won't type its name anymore unless there is no other way to report on the issues) run as their nominee. Instead they invited in the devil to further their agenda and all of us are suffering for it—even the ones who don't realize it yet. But I'm digressing...

According to The Irish Times, 45 accused Scottish politician Patrick Harvie of blasphemy after Harvie posted a tweet regarding 45 that he didn't like. Blasphemy. Let me repeat that: he accused the politician of blasphemy. "The Scottish blasphemy law was last enforced in 1843 but, under parliament rules, an investigation had to be launched," wrote journalist Peter Geoghegan. "The case was dismissed, making Harvie the only Scottish parliamentarian ever to be formally cleared of blasphemy."

I've posted a quick video (and humorous recap!) from Samantha Bee's show because it puts the blasphemy case into perspective alongside what was going on in Scotland at the time this event occurred. Nevertheless, I highly suggest reading The Irish Times piece for an altogether different reason. Namely, the division and hostility 45 created in Scotland amongst ordinary citizens is eerily similar to the state of being that is, as Time magazine so aptly dubbed it, the current Divided States of America.

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The Anti-Christ & Trump: All Our Research (In Chronological Order)