Monday, September 4, 2017

When They Go Low, I Aim For The Nut Sack

I can’t count how many times I’ve been called a baby-killing commie by right-wingers who don’t understand the difference between pro-choice and pro-abortion, much less communism and socialism. Hell, despite worshipping at its altar, most of them don’t even understand the basic tenets of capitalism, though to be fair said ignorance is hardly surprising in a country where only 3% of universities mandate passing a basic economics class in order to graduate. 

As I wrote in a previous piece, capitalism and socialism are not mutually exclusive. Quite the opposite, capitalism needs socialism in order to survive and thrive over the long haul. Attempting to explain the symbiotic relationship between the two to a Trump supporter feels bizarrely akin to trying to explain why you should look both ways before crossing the street to an irate, whiny toddler who could give a damn and thinks you’re just a “dumb poopy-head”. In other words, it’s pointless. 

Pointless or not (and it is most definitely pointless) my masochist self keeps pleading with my pragmatic self to try, try again. And so I do—and I do it knowing I’ll either be dismissed as a coastal elitist who thinks I’m better than everyone else or I’ll be barraged with an unsophisticated, poopy-head level of boring, overdone name calling. (Seriously Cult 45ers… surely you must have something in your arsenal other than “libtard” and “snowflake”?) 

I always try to bring my pro-socialism arguments down to a level even the rigidly dogmatic and woefully underexposed to any viewpoint not their own can understand. Nevertheless, those conversations rarely go well. They typically look something like this:  

White Guy With Persecution Complex: “This is a capitalist country! If you want commie socialism go move to China. I want to keep my hard-earned money rather than pay for deadbeats!” 

Me: “China is a communist country. I don’t want to live in a communist system.” 

White Guy With Persecution Complex: "Whatever! The point is communism is like socialism and both are un-American and will never be accepted here so get used to it!” 

Me: “This republic is already a socialist democracy so your statement is false.” 

White Guy With Persecution Complex: "Bullshit! You’re an idiot!” 

Me: “We aren’t a model one like Germany or the Scandinavian countries, but we are nevertheless a socialist democracy.” 

White Guy With Persecution Complex: "You’re just stupid!” 

Me: [getting irritated] “Do you support the military? Police? Firefighters? Libraries? Well probably not libraries—bad example for someone of your intellectual capacity. What about having roads to drive your ‘shit-kickin pickup truck with oversized wheels’ down?”  

White Guy With Persecution Complex: "I’m proud of my pickup! It’s American made! And the military is not socialism, retard!” 

Me: [resists urge to point out the unlikelihood of his truck being American made] “Military, fire, and police are, in fact, socialist systems. Just like with welfare, we pay taxes to the federal government to pay for communal benefits we all rely upon to be there when needed.” 

White Guy With Persecution Complex: "I don’t need welfare! Get a fucking job!” 

Me: [teeth gritting] “I guarantee you at some point in your life you or one of your family members will benefit from it if you haven’t already! But people like you always—without fail—think they and their families are the exception and that everyone else is a freeloader. And you believe that because you’ve been brainwashed into believing it by the GOP. They never use the blasphemous S word (socialism) to describe the military or police because the military and police benefit the wealthy by keeping a barrier between the cockroaches—you know, you and me—and the possessions of the elite class. But the stuff that doesn’t benefit the wealthy? Those are the parts of socialism the GOP labels ‘commie’.” 

White Guy With Persecution Complex: "Well I don’t want to pay for welfare!” 

Me: “I don’t want to pay for military spending (read: billionaire defense contractors) but it is what it is for the moment.” 

White Guy With Persecution Complex: "Stupid fucking libtard! Go back to your safe space and read a book!” 

Me: [licks fangs] “Safe space? 😏 We liberals aren’t the ones trying to turn the United States into one big thumb-sucking safe space by banning Muslims because little old ladies wearing hijabs make us go pee-pee in our pants-pants!” 

White Guy With Persecution Complex: "We’re not scared of old ladies! The men are the ones to worry about!” 

Me: “But you claim to be the alpha males of the USA. Liberal men don’t cower in fear over Muslim men. 😨 I guess that makes you conservatives the beta males.” 

White Guy With Persecution Complex: "Go fuck yourself!” 

Me: “Maybe later. And then there’s the big, bad wall…” 

White Guy With Persecution Complex: "You’ll thank us for that one day!” 

Me: “Yeah, all those Mexican people pretending to seek a better life as they brandish a leaf blower in one hand and a rosary in the other. So scary.” 

White Guy With Persecution Complex: "They also bring in drugs, libtard!” 

Me: “Well you won’t have to worry about that once the wall is built. The USA will become Skull Island—cowering Americans on one side and terrifying Latinos on the other. Maybe we should fling virgins over the wall every Cinco de Mayo as an offering to the Almighty Kong—errrr—El Chapo.” 

White Guy With Persecution Complex: "Whatever! You’re just talking shit because you feel triggered!” 

Me: [bored and ready to move on] “Do I laugh now or later? I am untriggerable, oh triggered one.” 

White Guy With Persecution Complex: "You’re triggered! Admit it! Hahahaha!!!!!” 

Me: “Whatever helps you believe your micro-penis is large. You’re boring me now, window-licker. Later, delicate petal.” 

Reasoning With A Member of Cult 45: Where’s The Xanax? 

Remember: I never claimed those conversations went well. As much as I wish I could successfully emulate Michelle Obama, I am currently incapable of taking the high road. When they go low, I reach for the gonads and twist. 

Once upon a time I could resist “going there”, but today I don’t even try. I think I am so over hearing about the woe-is-me-forgotten-white-man that I’m hard-pressed to drum up anything akin to giving a shit. There exists, after all, plenty of struggling white men who did not vote for the racist, misogynist, xenophobic, toxically divisive Trump. 

Those are the men whose backs I’ll have when they need me: the ones who chose “we” over “me”, the ones who believe black lives matter, that women should own their own bodies, and who recognize the GOP’s strategy of conquering through division for what it is. As to the members of Cult 45? 

Come here and have a seat. I think you’ll find the chair I provide as comforting and non-threatening as the country you gave me.

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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Why The GOP Hates Obamacare

I finally figured out why the GOP hates Obamacare so much. It took watching Fox News (yes, always painful) to figure out, but what I saw yesterday made all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place:
1) While I'm sure there is underlying racism against Obama himself, I now believe this to be secondary to the true issue, which is...
2) They are FURIOUS—I mean ENRAGED—that Obama gave Americans a taste of equality... and we found we liked it. They made it clear on Fox they wanted Obamacare gone before Americans "start believing they have the right to healthcare." (Yes: Those. Words. Were. Spoken. grrrrr)
In other words, the GOP shames Americans into believing social welfare entitlements are not earned by virtue of birth. (We are the only 1st world nation where this stigma exists.) They are careful to never call corporate welfare an "entitlement" that benefits only the ultra-rich bc they have created a mental association between the word "entitlement" and the redistribution of wealth.
Here's the thing: social welfare entitlements (military pay, police, fire, healthcare, food, housing, clothing, etc.) ARE redistributions of wealth, but they are also our safety net. Corporate welfare and military spending (hint: military spending = uber wealthy defense contractors and NOT soldiers) are also redistributions of wealth, but they are redistributions TO the rich instead of FROM them. Social welfare entitlements are redistributions of wealth from everyone except the ultra-wealthy (very few billionaires pay federal taxes) but they are also spent on everyone but them.
BOTTOM LINE: why are we paying for entitlements that benefit only the wealthy, but the wealthy balk at paying for entitlements that allow us to live? Entitlements ARE our right by virtue of breathing and we have Obama to thank for waking us up to that fact.

Anyone who tells you otherwise does not have your best interests in mind. So fight to keep Obamacare thriving. The CBO (non-partisan Congressional Budget Office) said Obamacare is working, thriving, and only needs some adjustments. All that implosion rhetoric? It has no basis in scientific reality. It is, to be blunt, a lie. In fact, the ONLY way Obamacare can implode is if Republicans force it to.

Hold them accountable. Make sure they know you are watching.

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Thursday, March 9, 2017

I'm Baaaack

Sorry it's been a while since I checked in. I had to take a mental break from the exhaustion of keeping up with the sinking ship that is the current state of the union. Every day is pure drama with that mother fucker in office. Damn! Impeach his dumb ass already please.

The other reason for my absence is I had (paid) work to finish. But hey, if anyone would like to hire me to hound the mother fuckers in D.C. full-time—and pay me 7 figures a year to do it!—I'm down with the program. 🙌 (I won't hold my breath on an offer like that coming my way in this lifetime lol.)

A lot has happened since I last wrote, but it all amounts to the same basic theme anyway. Namely, we are fucked. I think it's seriously past time to consider dividing into 2 countries. The GOP has proven to be so greedy, so hateful, so disloyal, so uncaring and out of touch with normal people, that there is zero point in even pretending this bridge between us can be (or even should be) gapped. But I'll get more into that in my next podcast, which will be airing today or tomorrow.

I trust everyone has been well, all things considered. I honestly believe working toward dividing the country into 2 republics will ease the rampant depression I see so many people, myself included, going through. 

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Monday, February 13, 2017

Friday, February 10, 2017

"President" 45 Has History Of Comparing Himself To God

It's too bad Republicans didn't take Scotland's heed and refuse to let 45 (I won't type its name anymore unless there is no other way to report on the issues) run as their nominee. Instead they invited in the devil to further their agenda and all of us are suffering for it—even the ones who don't realize it yet. But I'm digressing...

According to The Irish Times, 45 accused Scottish politician Patrick Harvie of blasphemy after Harvie posted a tweet regarding 45 that he didn't like. Blasphemy. Let me repeat that: he accused the politician of blasphemy. "The Scottish blasphemy law was last enforced in 1843 but, under parliament rules, an investigation had to be launched," wrote journalist Peter Geoghegan. "The case was dismissed, making Harvie the only Scottish parliamentarian ever to be formally cleared of blasphemy."

I've posted a quick video (and humorous recap!) from Samantha Bee's show because it puts the blasphemy case into perspective alongside what was going on in Scotland at the time this event occurred. Nevertheless, I highly suggest reading The Irish Times piece for an altogether different reason. Namely, the division and hostility 45 created in Scotland amongst ordinary citizens is eerily similar to the state of being that is, as Time magazine so aptly dubbed it, the current Divided States of America.

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The Anti-Christ & Trump: All Our Research (In Chronological Order)

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Two Segregationists Confirmed In Two Days

2017's Black History Month will go down in American history as either the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning. If February 7th & 8th are any indication of what is to come—and I believe in my heart of hearts that they are—we are closer to Civilutionary War than ever before. Indeed, I'll be surprised if the country hasn't broken down into armed militias by spring and torn itself apart by summer.

Later that same day, Senator Elizabeth Warren was silenced by GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch "The Bitch" McConnell when she tried to read the letter Coretta Scott King wrote regarding Jeff Sessions’ racially bigoted patterns of behavior. The GOP senators then voted to censure Senator Warren using an obscure rule only invoked ONCE in American history, effectively barring her from speaking during the February 8 confirmation hearing of Jeff Sessions to the position of Attorney General.

As awful as all the above is, perhaps the most frightening and foreboding thing to occur on February 7 was this: The House Administration Committee voted 6-3 along party lines to eliminate the Election Assistance Commission, which helps states run elections and is the only federal agency charged with making sure voting machines can’t be hacked. The agency was set up after the Bush-Gore debacle of 2000; the GOP has been trying to get rid of it ever since—mission accomplished.

On February 8, 2017 Jeff Sessions was, as expected, confirmed to the position of U.S. Attorney General. He will be in charge of the country’s civil rights division despite his racist and anti-gay views. All Republican senators and a Democrat from West Virginia voted in favor of his confirmation while all other Democrats voted against it. 

I knew both confirmations would go through, but I’m still gutted by the fact they did. America, I do not recognize you anymore. 

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Sunday, February 5, 2017

When The Germans Think You're Fucked Up... probably are. 

"The United States president is becoming a danger to the world. It is time for Germany and Europe to prepare their political and economic defenses." - Klaus Brinkbäumer

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Labor Secretary: Hates Laborers

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Memes of the Week

Here are some of my fave memes & pix floating around the internet 😜

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SCOTUS Case Could Invalidate 2016 Election

click to enlarge
The media has failed to cover this. Email & call the hell out of them! Meanwhile... 

We lose rights on a near hourly basis, the severely mentally ill were given the right to own a gun, it's now legal for companies to pollute our waterways, we the people are paying for the upkeep and staff of EVERY Trump residence plus the residences of his adult children & Kellyanne Conway, politicians no longer have to disclose bribes given to them by foreign entities or governments, the separation between church and state has been obliterated, our healthcare stands to be repealed w/o a replacement, China is preparing to go to war with us, Iran is being suspiciously quiet, Australia has declared they will choose NATO over the US (as they should), protests against the US government continue around the world every day, American Muslim assaults have gone through the roof, hate crimes in general have sky-rocketed (but Obama was soooo divisive 🙄) and... 

We are only at DAY 16. 

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

All-Out Assault On Black Americans Has Begun

The United States government kicked off its "celebration" of Black History Month yesterday with a series of unforgettable—and unforgivable—acts:

  1. Jeff Sessions, a lifelong bigot with a decades long resume of racist rhetoric and behavior, was confirmed by the Senate Committee to the position of Attorney General; he has one final step to bypass and the job is officially his.

  2. Trump held a Black History Month breakfast wherein he briefly spoke about civil rights leaders he clearly knew nothing about (i.e. Frederick Douglass) before spending the rest of his speech discussing his favorite subject—himself.

  3. Neil Gorsuch was nominated by Pretender-President Trump to SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States). Gorsuch was the founder of the Fascism Forever Club in his youth—not exactly a reassuring qualification for people of color. 

    His appointment to SCOTUS could be equally detrimental to other minorities as well. As a judge, he flatly stated in 2005 that he does not interpret the constitution as protecting gay marriage. For women, his record is even bleaker. Gorsuch supports allowing business owners with certain religious beliefs not to insure women's birth control. He is also an advocate for defunding Planned Parenthood even though no tax monies are used at PP for abortions. Although Gorsuch never had to rule on an abortion case, it isn't a huge leap in logic to assume he would vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade if given the chance. In the birth control case he wrote, “No one before us disputes that the mandate compels Hobby Lobby and Mardel to underwrite payments for drugs or devices that can have the effect of destroying a fertilized human egg.”

  4. House Republicans passed a resolution to nullify the Stream Protection Rule, effectively allowing coal mines to contaminate water sources. As always, polluted water disproportionately affects minority and poorer communities.

  5. Breitbart's Milo Yiannopoulos, perhaps the world's first gay AND Jewish Nazi, deliberately scheduled a campus speech for February 1st at the University of California at Berkley.
    Needless to say, his presence was not welcomed at what is perhaps the most liberal college in the U.S. Riots broke out, forcing the idiot to cancel his speech. As of this writing, it is unclear whether actual students participated in the riot or if the disruptors were all members of a Black Bloc. Whatever the case, Nazi-Boy has been milking the incident for every drop of publicity he can. As that's a common tactic for Yiannopoulos, the Black Bloc possibility cannot be easily dismissed.
Every day, being an American becomes less and less of a distinction. At this rate, Mexico might just build that wall yet—to keep us out of Mexico rather than the other way around.


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      Wednesday, February 1, 2017

      Surviving The Trumpocalypse - Replay

      I've had several people ask how they can access earlier shows, especially the one on survival. You can find all episodes on the main player at OR by doing a label search (right column) here on our blog for Pissed Off Progressives Podcast.

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      Latest Bullshit Headline From Breitbart "News"

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      Latest Fox News Polls - Somewhat Surprising

      Is it possible Trumplings are growing brains and if so will this data be used merely to fine-tune Fox's brainwashing, propaganda machine?

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      Sunday, January 22, 2017

      Some Powerful Photos from the Women's March (Global)

      There are too many striking images from yesterday's march-gone-global to post them all so I'm choosing some of my personal favorites to highlight for a variety of reasons. (All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.)

      Artistry: Whichever photographer landed this shot managed to walk away with a visually striking and symbolically powerful piece. The beautiful German woman s/he photographed looks exactly like the poster directly behind her 😊


      Humor: You'll definitely want to click this pic from Paris to see one of the funniest signs ever!!

      I probably looked at this photo half a dozen times before I saw the LOL moment. I'll make it easier for you by dropping a hint: 
      • Focus on the sign that has four pieces of yellow tape on it. 
      • See it? 
      • 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


      P Is For Vendetta: The next photograph is humorous as well, but it adds a little ass-kicking oomph to the comedy category. 

      This Chi Town woman ain't playin'! But judging by the expression on her male companion's face, he's probably grateful for that fact 😉 

      Chicago: it's not just known for its deep-dish pizza anymore.

      Washington D.C. 

      Poignancy: The next picture imbues the very point of political photography—it forces the viewer to stop and think. 

      This young man exposes Trump and the GOP for the heartless, money-wasting vultures that they are. Comrade Trump wants to build a damn wall, while Comrade Ryan is scrambling to gut medicaid, medicare, social security, welfare, and a myriad of other social programs that serve to assist the poor, the elderly, the disabled, and veterans.


      Pay more attention to the young man in the picture who NEEDS ramps and less (or zero) attention to the racist snowflakes who apparently get a case of the vapors just from thinking about a Mexican crossing the border. What comes after the wall, comrade? Are we going to start flinging virgins over it as sacrificial appeasements to El Chapo? (Hint: this ain't Skull Island and El Chapo ain't King Kong 😒)

      Washington D.C.

      Triple Hitter: This photo wins for three YUGE reasons.

      1) The lighting is gorgeous and makes for a beautiful backdrop.

      2) That's one of my best friends holding up her signage all loud and proud. (Go Amy go!)

      3) Click on the photo for an enlarged view and check out what those fallopian tubes are up to 😂 🙌

      I was supposed to be in D.C. with her, but I was too ill to go. It is literally the only life event I'll look back on with the coulda-shoulda-wouldas. 

      Washington D.C.

      Snarkaliciousness: This photo—damn! It needs no explanation. All I'll say is: You go girl!

      Actually I will say one more thing. Namely, Comrade Ass makes this entire damn nation look like a huuge, bigly loser. Some people take pride in classless vulgarity—they refer to it as not bowing to political correctness!—but the majority of us prefer human decency to sleaze.

      One thing I have found to be true about the most vocal proponents of the First Amendment on Twitter is they tend to be less concerned with protecting free speech for its constitutionally intended applications than they are concerned with their right to use free speech to degrade and humiliate others. If you see the words 1a/2a in a Twitter profile, save yourself a headache and block them. All 1a/2a means is "I'm an obnoxious racist and misogynist troll who gets off on demeaning others. Oh and I love guns. Yeehaw."

      Washington D.C.

      Hell Hath No Fury Like A Girl Scout Scorned: It might be time to reevaluate your life and morals (or lack thereof) when even the Girl Scouts hate you. Or at least that's what a normal person would do. But the Man-Baby-In-Chief? 

      It won't happen. On the contrary, I doubt any of us will be surprised if he goes on a Twitter rampage against Thin Mints, Samoas, and the little girls who sell them. "The Girl Scouts are huge losers. Their cookie-selling business is going under. Sad." [insert long-suffering sigh]

      New York City

      Irony: Yes, Trumpel Thinskin, even the introverts hate you enough to protest your funky ass. They might have a hard time saying it, but they can write it out in signage like nobody's business. Which brings me to yet another point...

      There was no group of people NOT represented in yesterday's historic, global march. Despite the disadvantage they would have been at had the demonstrations turned riotous, wheelchair-bound and blind citizens protested. Our fellow deaf Americans were so numerous that interpreters were on podiums at every speech.

      All races, genders, sexual orientations, religions, ages, and political identities were accounted for. It was the definition of democracy and beauty.

      heh heh
      Karma: There are so many other photos that should be included here, but I have to end with the one that irritates Comrade Trump most of all: the side-by-side comparisons of Obama's first inauguration to his.

      Trump's propagandist #ScarySpicer had the nerve to flatly lie during his first post-inaugural press conference ever by stating that Trump's inauguration was the most heavily attended in history. (Obama's first inauguration actually holds that honor.) When pressed about this lie today on Meet The Press, Kellyanne Conway told Chuck Todd that Spicer hadn't lied, but had provided "alternative facts" 😒

      Hold on to your alternative Xanax, peeps. It's gonna be a long, anxiety-ridden four years.


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