Saturday, November 12, 2016

Breitbart's Steve Bannon as Trump's Chief of Staff? Keep Protesting!

Everything you need to know about Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon can be summed up right here: he is dangerous, he is polarizing, and he is a white supremacist. Trump's promise to be a president for "all Americans" was proven to be bullshit the second he announced his intention to make that THING his Chief of Staff.

If white people think they are safe from Bannon's trademark witch-hunts because hey, it's not their problem, they need to start paying closer attention to actual reality and less attention to "reality" TV. 

In Bannon-land, differences in opinion are treacherous, treasonous, and unpatriotic. A true fascist in every sense, Bannon's infamous witch-hunts have been arguably more vicious against conservatives who dare to disagree with his special brand of crazy than they have been against liberals. And since we liberals are, as you know, commie anti-'Murkins, that sober reality should frighten conservatives who don't identify with the alt-right's white nationalist agenda.