Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Where the Hell is the ACLU, NAACP, and NOW?

I'm not feeling particularly forgiving of as of late. This sentiment especially holds true for the civil rights groups whose coffers have been enriched by the very people they are failing to protect. Why hasn't a single one of our nation's highest level advocacy groups legally challenged this farce of an election? All of them relentlessly solicit for donations so they can fight Trump's future policies, yet nary a one has attempted to stop the Orange Menace from being inaugurated.

This is not acceptableperiod. That there are any number of valid cases that can be made on a federal level makes it all the more appalling.

  1. Math Increasingly Suggests Voter Fraud Against Hillary Clinton: Recap: the only exit polls that did not match up to alleged votes cast were the ones in crucial swing states. David Pakman points out that this phenomenon has only happened in the past during instances of widespread voter fraud.
  2. The Electoral College Was Meant To Stop Men Like Trump From Being President: Recap: the Electoral College is charged with the duty of insuring a madman is never inaugurated. I don't recall off the top of my head if the reporter brought up what I'm about to say, but many states like Ohio have passed laws which prevent members of the EC from fulfilling its constitutional obligation. Instead of allowing the members to vote their conscience, doing so can provide stiff fines and allegedly jail time.
  3. We are not a democracy if rule by the people is not upheld. The people did not vote in Trump; the people voted in Hillary Clinton. By the time all votes are counted, Clinton is expected to win the popular vote by at least 2 million votes. She is also expected to have more than 50% of all votes, which is an even bigger mandate that something be done.
  4. Our republic's viability, much as our position in world affairs, cannot afford to chance a Trump presidency. God forbid a teenager in North Korea sends Orangie Porgie a mean kid tweet. It'll be game over for all of us.

  5. It is both indecent and un-American to put a man in power who surrounds himself with white nationalists and who has used his campaign to normalize hate speech against vulnerable people. Over 700 incidents of hate crimes against minorities have been reported by the Southern Poverty Law Center since November 9th.

  6. When only 17% of voters (all of who live in white, rural America) have more voting power than the other 83%, no election is free.

That is but 6 of the simplest-to-explain issues. This says nothing of more complex problems such as the role Republican congressmen played in obliterating the nation's long held (and long respected) system of checks and balances. Having executive, legislative, and judicial branches that operate independently of each other means little to nothing when all three branches are dominated by one party's archaic ideology—an ideology not shared by the majority of Americans.

So where are the civil rights groups with deep pockets? Why aren't they stepping up to the plate proactively by doing everything humanly imaginable to stop the inauguration of a dangerous, intolerant, greedy, pathological liar?

I have no answers; I only have questions.