Sunday, February 5, 2017

SCOTUS Case Could Invalidate 2016 Election

click to enlarge
The media has failed to cover this. Email & call the hell out of them! Meanwhile... 

We lose rights on a near hourly basis, the severely mentally ill were given the right to own a gun, it's now legal for companies to pollute our waterways, we the people are paying for the upkeep and staff of EVERY Trump residence plus the residences of his adult children & Kellyanne Conway, politicians no longer have to disclose bribes given to them by foreign entities or governments, the separation between church and state has been obliterated, our healthcare stands to be repealed w/o a replacement, China is preparing to go to war with us, Iran is being suspiciously quiet, Australia has declared they will choose NATO over the US (as they should), protests against the US government continue around the world every day, American Muslim assaults have gone through the roof, hate crimes in general have sky-rocketed (but Obama was soooo divisive 🙄) and... 

We are only at DAY 16. 

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