Thursday, February 2, 2017

All-Out Assault On Black Americans Has Begun

The United States government kicked off its "celebration" of Black History Month yesterday with a series of unforgettable—and unforgivable—acts:

  1. Jeff Sessions, a lifelong bigot with a decades long resume of racist rhetoric and behavior, was confirmed by the Senate Committee to the position of Attorney General; he has one final step to bypass and the job is officially his.

  2. Trump held a Black History Month breakfast wherein he briefly spoke about civil rights leaders he clearly knew nothing about (i.e. Frederick Douglass) before spending the rest of his speech discussing his favorite subject—himself.

  3. Neil Gorsuch was nominated by Pretender-President Trump to SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States). Gorsuch was the founder of the Fascism Forever Club in his youth—not exactly a reassuring qualification for people of color. 

    His appointment to SCOTUS could be equally detrimental to other minorities as well. As a judge, he flatly stated in 2005 that he does not interpret the constitution as protecting gay marriage. For women, his record is even bleaker. Gorsuch supports allowing business owners with certain religious beliefs not to insure women's birth control. He is also an advocate for defunding Planned Parenthood even though no tax monies are used at PP for abortions. Although Gorsuch never had to rule on an abortion case, it isn't a huge leap in logic to assume he would vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade if given the chance. In the birth control case he wrote, “No one before us disputes that the mandate compels Hobby Lobby and Mardel to underwrite payments for drugs or devices that can have the effect of destroying a fertilized human egg.”

  4. House Republicans passed a resolution to nullify the Stream Protection Rule, effectively allowing coal mines to contaminate water sources. As always, polluted water disproportionately affects minority and poorer communities.

  5. Breitbart's Milo Yiannopoulos, perhaps the world's first gay AND Jewish Nazi, deliberately scheduled a campus speech for February 1st at the University of California at Berkley.
    Needless to say, his presence was not welcomed at what is perhaps the most liberal college in the U.S. Riots broke out, forcing the idiot to cancel his speech. As of this writing, it is unclear whether actual students participated in the riot or if the disruptors were all members of a Black Bloc. Whatever the case, Nazi-Boy has been milking the incident for every drop of publicity he can. As that's a common tactic for Yiannopoulos, the Black Bloc possibility cannot be easily dismissed.
Every day, being an American becomes less and less of a distinction. At this rate, Mexico might just build that wall yet—to keep us out of Mexico rather than the other way around.


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